The 2 Creepy Reasons Why Narcissists Withhold Their Love and What They Secretly Gain by Doing It
The Unsettling Truth Behind the Narcissists Cold Shoulder
The withholding of love and affection is the hallmark of a narcissistic relationship.
It is fair to say that if you’ve ever experienced it, you know that the love of a narcissist is so conditional that it comes with an Excel spreadsheet attached to it.
They tend to start doing this quite early on in the relationship.
A narcissist will continue to love bomb for a few weeks or months but will then withdraw almost completely.
This unwarranted abandonment creates trauma and shock all of its own.
Things were going great, why did they go cold like that for no reason?
To answer that it is worth remembering that a narcissist’s default position is not love or kindness.
That is a well-rehearsed act that they use to charm people into giving them what they want.
But besides this, there are other reasons why a narcissist will continue to behave in this way.
The narcissist may perceive that you have done something wrong, and this can be…